The drug-free way to a healthy life.
Acupuncture is the best way to maintain good health.
Manabu Acupuncture
Acupuncture & Shiatsu therapy
Acrobatic dancers of a big amusement park are treated for motor disturbance.
Therapist : SUZUKI Manabu
Acupuncturist, Masseur, Shiatsu therapy: all national licensed.
Sports injury, Lumbago, Arthralgia,
Stiff neck, Neuralgia, menstrual pain etc.
Headache, Constipation, Fatigue, etc.
*Treating with disposable needles sanitarily.
(needles : made from Japanese material)
・Acupuncture, Moxa therapy
normal fee(n/f) ¥5,500
*reduced fee(r/f) ¥3,800
(Child: under 15 years old)
n/f ¥3,000
r/f ¥2,000
・Massage, Shiatsu therapy
(30min. each)
n/f ¥3,300
r/f ¥2,800
* Reduced fee is applied to a treatment within 1 month after the previous one.
★Business hours (priority to the reservation)
9:00 ~ 19:00(final reservation)
( Tuesday off )
Urayasu City, Hinode1-3 Umikazenomachi Tower 2 14F #1403
* about 1,000ft far from Shin-Urayasu satation.
047-720-1189 (available in English)